Weed barrier is used to prevent weeds from growing through your landscaping. Our weed barrier does not contain absorbent materials which allows liquid to flow through, minimizing odors.
3 Year Warranty
Weed Barrier 6 X 300'
Property Test Method Value Mass per Unit Area ASTM D 5261 3.5 oz/yd Tensile Strength ASTM D 4632 135 lbs Elongation ASTM D 4632 >70% Trapezoidal Tear ASTM D 4533 50 lbs Puncture Strength ASTM D 4833 35 lbs AOS ASTM D 4751 60/70 sieve Permittivity ASTM D 4491 1.2 Sec-1 Water Flow Rate ASTM D 4491 70 gal/ft/min